Sweet. How does one improve a poppish tv film like High School Musical? Add a gay lead, Chance Marquis (Tad Hilgenbrink). Of course, he is nothing as hunky as Zac Efron. But Tad is cute. So approved. Add a high school jock to be a love interest - Levi Sparks (Brett Chukerman), who is something like a Zac Efron. Yum. Add a nerdy schoolmate Hank Hudson (Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyze) who carries a secretive metal case around and Twila Tiller (Aldevina Da Silva) as the tough fag hag. And voila! You have a better version of a fun movie, tastefully done to fit the gay hunger. You have The Curiosity of Chance. Sweet.
Directed by Russell P. Marleau, this gay themed film talks about an outcast in dressing kid, Chance, who wants to fit into the high school life being a non-conformist. It isn't easy, especially when he has either a tall hat or an eye-patch to attract questions. Chance lives with his father, who runs the family like a military, and a kid-smart younger sister.
An easy target to the bullies in school, Chance finds his alliance with a nerdy good friend and a rough cookie. However, his heart is set on his jocky neighbour whom he happens to spot shirtless. His neighbour turns out to be the hunky Levi who needs him to be a lab partner.Chance's life in the school becomes miserable when Levi begins to distance himself, and when his photo of him performing as a drag queen gets out, all hell break loose.
So, it comes down to getting himself to be okay again in the high school, and hopefully to get the boy of his dream.
The Curiosity of Chance is a well-written film, designed to please those who are looking for lighter films, with good convincing acting from the leads.
What's with the drag queen thing? I still don't get it. Why do people think that gays have to be drag queens? There are gays who are happy to be gay men. This other people's obsession to be in women clothings is killing me.
But I love this film for two obvious reasons. Tad and Brett. And their kiss. Okay, make that three. : )Awards:
- Won Chicago Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival 2007 Best Feature Film
- Won Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival 2006 Best Director
Labels: Gay Film, Gay Themed Film
I really liked the movie too! Just watched it recently and thought it was really sweet and funny! Both guys are really cute and hot, especially Levy. :) And that kiss is quite something ... Wish I knew it was real or not.
Anyways, I work in marketing for the production company of The Curiosity of Chance and wanted to send you our contest details in honor of National Coming Out Day on October 11. We would appreciate it if you could let your readers know they can win $500 cash for entering their best comedic coming out story.
Do they have a hilarious coming out story? Was the way in which they told their family and friends truly unique and funny? Do they have some great stories of how people reacted? Let them tell us about it!
We would give you a banner/widget you can stick on your page to make sure your readers click on it and get to where they need to go. The rules are simple. They can e-mail in a story of 1-3 pages in length and/or a video link to a personal account of the story. Best overall FUNNY story wins!! Once the winner is announced in early November, we will let you know and you can feature it on your website.
Since National Coming Out Day is on October 11 and our contest ends at the end of October it would be great if you could put up the banner/widget as soon as possible.
Please let me know what you are planning on doing and I can email you the HTML code to embed the banner/widget on your site. Unfortunately, the computer won't let me leave you the code on this comment page, so just drop me a line on konstanze.pelargus [at] bigfoot.net.
You can also check out the official website at http://www.thecuriosityofchance.com/ which has a couple of photos you can download if you like.
Thank you,
Konstanze Pelargus
konstanze.pelargus [at] bigfoot.net
Marketing Consultant
Bigfoot Entertainment